Rules for improving the ad account quality indicator

K50:Rules is a service for automating account management using the specified rules. You can use this service to set up the account management logic, so that the service performs actions based on the schedule by itself.

Search for links leading to the 404 error

This is a simple and necessary rule that finds links leading to pages with a given server response code: 200, 404, 403, 503, and so on. As for the action, it's best to stop such ads and email the report. This is what this rule looks like in the interface.

Search for ads with an error in extensions

The presence of a vCard affects not only the account quality but also the display of the ad in the ad block, and provides the user with additional information. As for the action, emailing the report will do. The report will contain Ad ID and Campaign ID, so it won't be difficult to find these ads in the ad campaign. In this example, we find all errors in the extensions of active ads: the vCard isn't filled in, the vCard is rejected, sitelinks are rejected, sitelinks aren't filled in.

Search for ads with a low CTR

A low CTR affects the cost per click and can also be indicative of the overall relevance of the ad to the keyword. You can view the standard CTR report in the Yandex.Direct report wizard, but we recommend separating CTRs in the warranty and premium placement because it may differ by several times, depending on the position of the ad. In this example, we find words with more than 100 impressions with a CTR below 2% in the warranty or below 5% in the premium placement and send the report to the email.

Search for keywords without impressions

This rule is more suitable for large projects with very broad semantics. You can use it to find phrases for which there were no impressions for a given period. This way, you can find phrases for which there have been no impressions for 28 days and stop them.

Check rejected objects in the AC

If you have a large account, it can be difficult to keep track of the moderation of all ad objects. You can use this rule to find all rejected entities that haven't passed moderation. You can also find objects no longer displayed due to the Yandex.Direct restrictions (daily budget or time targeting). In this example of the rule, we find all rejected phrases/ads/extensions/campaigns. We selected emailing the report as an action.