Connect Facebook

  1. Data matching
  2. Authorization
  3. Connection settings
  4. Manage connected accounts

Data matching

Without certain parameters in tags, K50 can't match data between Facebook, the analytics system, call tracking, and so on.

Mandatory parameters for Facebook Ads: campaign_id, group_id, and ad_id. It's enough to have ad_id to pull the data to higher levels (from the ad level to the group level or from the group level to the campaign level).

Example of a tag: ?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=cid|}}|gid|}}|aid|}}


You need to connect your Facebook ad account to K50 to work with the Facebook ad system. To connect to the system, use the widget on the main page of the client and go to Home → Advertising systems → Connect.

Note. If you don't see the widget, it may be banned by an ad blocker or antivirus. Disable them or set up exceptions.
  1. Go through the Facebook authorization process if you haven't already done so. After that, K50 will be able to work with the data of your ad account.
  2. Log in to Facebook Ads with the username you want to grant access to.
  3. In K50, select Facebook from the Type of connected system list. Click Authorize Facebook in K50:Passport.
  4. A prompt box will appear. You need to grant K50 access to Facebook data, otherwise the connection procedure will terminate.
  5. Select an account to connect to K50.
  6. Select one of the subaccounts to connect to K50.
  7. Click Connect.

Connection settings

After logging in, you'll be redirected to the window with the connection settings.

1. Connection name and activity

Connection name: the name equal to the name in Facebook is filled in by default. This must be a unique name within the (client) profile.

Activity: if enabled, the data download will start immediately after connection. If you turn it off on the first connection, the data download will be manual, even for the first time.

2. Data window

The period for downloading data (required when data may change over a period). For example, if you set it to 7, the data will be downloaded for the last 7 days each time.

You won't see this window when you're connecting the system, but you can edit it later.

Possible values are from 3 to 30 days. The default value is 3 days.

3. Currency of financial values

The type of currency used by the connected account in Facebook. This parameter is assigned automatically.

4. Financial adjustment

The factor all currency values downloaded from the ad system for the given period will be multiplied by. When you connect an ad account, the adjustment with the value of 1 is created by default: this means that the adjustment is standard. The start date of the adjustment will be specified From the beginning (from the time the ad account statistics are downloaded).

To create a new financial adjustment, click Add adjustment (to be added below).

For example, you need to set several adjustments: include the 0% VAT until December 11, 2021, and the 20% VAT starting from December 12, 2021. The first adjustment with the 0% VAT will be in effect from the beginning of downloading the ad account statistics until December 11, 2021. The new financial adjustment (VAT 20%) will be effective from December 12, 2021, to date.

You can create an unlimited number of financial adjustments within a single connection.

  1. You can't specify a date that's already included in the list of financial adjustments.
  2. You can create an adjustment for a future period. Just specify a future date for the adjustment, and it will take effect later.
  3. Financial adjustments are sorted by date.
5. Campaign filter

Check the custom filters: you won't be able to change them after the connection is saved!

When you delete the connection, you won't see the downloaded data in K50:Statistics, but this data will still be taken into account when calculating the payment for the use of K50!

Defines the entities to be downloaded. This parameter is set immediately upon connection. Filter settings will be blocked after the connection is saved. If you made a mistake or want to change the filter, delete the connection and reset the filter for the new connection.

Available filter parameters:

Value Available conditions
campaign ID ==, !=, in, not in
Campaign name ==, !=, in, not in, contains, doesn't contain
Value Available conditions
campaign ID ==, !=, in, not in
Campaign name ==, !=, in, not in, contains, doesn't contain

The filter is case sensitive. Kazakhstan and kazakhstan are different filters.

Edit the filter list using Add filter and Add filter group.

After making all the changes, click Save. The data download will start automatically.

Facebook data is downloaded in K50 without VAT. Learn more about working with VAT in the help section of Facebook.

Manage connected accounts

To see the list of connected accounts, go to List of accounts in the Facebook widget on the main page.

This is where you can find all the connected Facebook accounts.

1. Add a new system

Click Add to connect a new ad account.

2. Filters

You can filter connected systems by:

  • Activity of the system.
  • Name of the connection.
  • ID of the connected account.
  • Connection type.
  • Authorization status.
3. Activity

Activity determines whether or not daily statistics will be downloaded for a given connection. Deactivate the activity if you only need to download the data once.

4. Name

When you connect an account, this field is filled in with the value from the Connection name field. The name (login) and the login ID (id) of the connected account are specified under the connection name. You can configure the Connection filter to view data on a given connector in the Facebook statistics table with all connectors.

5. ID

Each connection is assigned a unique ID.

6. Authorization status

The status determines whether or not the data is downloaded from the system. There are four download statuses:

Status Description
Active The task is active, there are no errors when downloading data
Stopped The update task is suspended, there are no errors
Problem updating There were errors not related to authorization when attempting to update. The error will be automatically reset the next day or after successfully downloading data in manual mode
Access problem There were errors related to authorization when attempting to update. Downloading won't resume until these errors are fixed
Status Description
Active The task is active, there are no errors when downloading data
Stopped The update task is suspended, there are no errors
Problem updating There were errors not related to authorization when attempting to update. The error will be automatically reset the next day or after successfully downloading data in manual mode
Access problem There were errors related to authorization when attempting to update. Downloading won't resume until these errors are fixed
7. Delete and reconnect an account

Reconnecting your Facebook account is equivalent to deleting the old connection and making a new one.

Delete: delete the connection.Edit: view the primary connection settings. To reconnect an account, delete the current account connection and connect a new one.

Copying Profile on theAll customers page, doesn't copy Facebook accesses because they are connected through the user's passport.